The Last Supper, 30 Years Earlier
2005The master of the game was never “our Lord and Master” while the son, and the “stepson” of Man go through life “according to that which has been defined”, that which is predetermined, If one is to paraphrase the Gospel according to Luke. From early on, the game is played out repeatedly, Ritualistically as at a children’s birthday party, on a see-saw table which at times alternately lifts And lowers sacrifice and at others, betrayal, all within the scope of progressive tryouts in search of Unachievable balance/consent.
Through his work, Panikos Tembriotis seek to imply in a dramaturgical way that Art is meant to act as a catalyst with respect to religious functions/dysfunctions and to sacred stereotypes and inaccessible aspects to human drama, contributing to the desanctification of the predetermined and pre-evident duo of Sacrifice and Betrayal, and leading to the search for a different, more human and less divisive/secessionist concept/game.
Dr. Niki Katsiaouni
Art Professor
Art Professor